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Curveball for Free!


For this weekend, the Curveball: A Love Story ebook (on Amazon) is free! The lovely folks at Hello Books gave me this text to use for promoting it:

One of my books will be featured in a free book promotion this Friday. You can sign up here: to receive the link, not just to my book but to many others as well.

They feature all kinds of genres, so check it out! You could scoop up a bunch of free reads.

Speaking of Curveball, the copyediting on the novella is about half-way done, but I got sidetracked. I'm going to redo the series covers first before moving on with the novella. My worry with the current series covers is that while they definitely convey that they are about baseball, they don't tell readers that they are romances. That's why I think a cover renovation is necessary. Since the novella is coming out soon, it makes sense to redo the covers now before that one launches.

I've also been spending a lot of time working with Kindle Vella, where I have two stories. Kindle Vella, which you can find on Amazon, is for fans of episodic reading, meaning each story is told in episodes. Right now I have my book The Honeymoon: A Second-Chance Romance up there (it's complete). And I've started posting episodes for The Bridesmaid: An Insta-Love Romance, which is the first book I ever wrote. Check them out! (The first three episodes of every Vella story are always free.)

Finally, I've started writing a new book. I don't have an official blurb yet, but the basic story is that an outgoing woman falls in love with a guy she's working with over email, and she has no idea he's her shy neighbor. I haven't settled on a title yet, but I'm tossing a few around. Long-Distance Neighbors? The Distance to You? Something along those lines.

Scoop up your free ebooks, then read on in the series if you haven't already. Book two, Out of the Park, is out now!

Keep reading!


January 19, 2023

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